John and Marion Tibberts
John and Marion Tibberts served with Children’s Bible Fellowship in New York and in two pastorates in Canada before they joined New Tribes Mission (now Ethnos360). They were with the mission for 32 years spending most of those years in Colombia, South America caring for missionary children in the dorm as well as working in the national training program. Later, they were active in Canada and the USA as representatives for the mission. After retirement they became directors of U.B. David + I’ll B. Jonathan in El Paso, TX. “U.B. David” is an evangelistic and discipleship tool reaching boys and girls, teens and adults through Bible correspondence courses either through the mail or online.
In 2017 they moved to Sanford, Florida and are now living at the HOMES, the retirement community of Ethnos360. They are continuing with the Spanish online ministry of U.B. David. John and Marion are in charge of communication with those who have inquiries or do lessons from about 15 Spanish speaking countries around the world. Pastors, Sunday School teachers, and parents write in asking for help in using the materials for their ministries. You can check out the website at or contact John and Marion for more information at
They are blest to have four children, who with their spouses, serve with Ethnos360 in the missionary training Institutes in Mexico and England. They have 11 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.