Biblical Counseling
There are times in life when you are struggling and need someone to come alongside and encourage you. We have staff and members trained in biblical counseling who are available to help you work through whatever you might be facing with guidance from God’s Word.
We believe that God has given us all we need to know him and to live in a way that is pleasing to him. All our difficulties may not disappear. But when a person willingly submits to God’s instructions and clings to his promises, there is hope for every trial.
You can schedule an appointment for counseling by contacting us.
Equipping the Men
At GBF, we provide opportunities for men to get together for fellowship, Bible study, edification, and accountability. While there is a year round fellowship and study time for men, there are also other short-term studies during the year that will be announced on our website when they begin.
Please contact us for more information or to get connected with study leaders.
Men’s Group
Thursdays at 6:00 AM
Leader: Charlie DeNio
Edifying the Women
At Grace Fellowship, we provide opportunities for women to get together for fellowship, Bible study, edification and accountability. There is a year-round meeting for women on Monday evenings and a Bible study on Thursday mornings on dates mirroring the academic calendar.
Please contact us for more information or to get connected with study leaders.
Central Women’s
Care Group
Mondays at 6:30 PM*
Leader: Lee Byrd
*This group is gathering online using Zoom. Please contact us for a Zoom link to join this group!
Westside Women
of Grace
Thursdays at 9:00 AM
Leader: Rotating
Training the Children
6 months - third Grade
We minister to our children by teaching them the Scriptures, by modeling Christ-centered lives before them, and by equipping and encouraging parents to raise their children in the Lord’s instruction and discipline. In Sunday morning classes, children are taught a lesson from the Scripture about God, Christ, the gospel, and how to live for Him. They are also encouraged with age-appropriate music, missions moments, games, crafts, and fellowship. Special projects throughout the year include a Christmas Missions Project, plays, and activities surrounding Easter and Christmas.
For more information about the Children’s Ministry or to serve as a volunteer, please contact us.
Family Equipping Ministry
We are in the beginning stages of fostering a family ministry that will include whole families gathering together to provide opportunities for parents and adult volunteers to join together in equipping the family in discipleship as God has ordained it in Scripture. (Deut. 6:4-10; Eph. 5:21-6:4.) These are some helpful insights to what we call the "Family Equipping Model."
Church Leaders are Equipped to Assist Parents to be Spiritual Leaders in the Home
For inquiries related to youth programs, please contact us.